Now you’ll see a list of all the extensions - including toolbars - you have installed: To do that look on the left side and click on “Extensions”: Pick the one that’s most reasonable, again, probably Google or Bing, and click “Save” to proceed. Yes, there’s even a way you can have the search engine for this site - AskDaveTaylor - be your default search system, but don’t worry, I’m not hijacking your searches! 🙂 Not sure what’s going on? Choose “Manage search engines…” and you’ll see all the choices in far more detail, including specific URLs in play: You can pick Bing if you’d like to try something else, of course, but any of these five core search engine choices should do just fine and should be safe choices. Next, scroll down a bit on the same Settings page and find “Search”:Īhhh, this is one spot that’s bound to be messed up, based on what you described.Ĭlick on “Google” and you’ll see there are preset search engines you can choose from, the primary of which is Google, which is no surprise given it’s Google Chrome. Eyeball it carefully to ensure you’ve included the “:” and the two “//”, and click “OK”. For example gets you one of the slick personalized home pages. Or make your life easier and actually type in the URL. Make sure in the address bar it hasn’t been hijacked or changed (as my Dad’s computer has with the Google search) then navigate back here and click “Use current pages”. The “Use current pages” feature is nice: close all tabs but the main window then navigate to the page you want to use as your home page. I prefer “Continue where I left off” because your “home” page can be hijacked, but let’s say you want to keep a standard home page (maybe Yahoo’s home page, say, or and that’s hijacked already.Ĭhoose “Open a specific page or set of pages” then click “Set pages”: Now you’ll have yet more things you can tweak and adjust, but look for “On startup”: Lots you can monkey with here, but let’s stay focused. Look on the top right for a button that has three horizontal lines:Ĭlick on it and a ton of different options appear: Let’s start by finding the “Settings” preference. Still, we don’t want to cry Uncle if we can fix the problem, do we? 🙂
Worst case, you can always delete Chrome then use another browser like Internet Explorer to download a fresh copy of Google Chrome. Let’s jump in and I’ll just hope you can wade your way through the junk they’ve installed and fix things. Sneaky and darn frustrating!Ĭhrome makes it pretty easy to clean things up, but yeah, it’s a huge pain.
When he goes to Gmail, it pushes out a sequence of pop-up ads in separate windows, some of which even have fake “close” buttons that actually launch yet another ad window if you click on it. My Dad’s going through a very similar problem where he goes to “” and ends up at another search site that is plastered with ads all over the page.